Identifying and propagating the truth 

Identifying truth

Many of us are not clear and sure about the facts and truths behind issues and problems. It has to be so when the platform for discussions are generally non-existent, limited and faulty. It is valid for all parties, groups, institutions, organisations and also governments.

Social media is an unorganised platform with limited controls and unlimited indisciplines. It will not produce complete, comprehensive discussions to evolve conclusions. But the free flow of information and opinion will help access many facts, which get hidden from public view.

The facts and truth that flows in Social media carry with it untruths, misinformation and disinformation. The segregation of what is true becomes a challenging exercise indeed, even for learned minds to sort out and arrive at the correct conclusions.

We are now in a modern world but living amidst people and groups with primitive mindsets. We have all the tools and intelligence to use, but we invariably confuse or succumb to confusions created by street-smart politicians and the so-called educated intellectuals. 

Usually, one does not have abilities to look at all angles to present the comprehensive picture while writing views or responding to them on social media. Their viewpoints are based more on perception, opinion, information that they sourced, heard, registered in mind over time.

Let us not assume that whatever we say is true. It may be true. May always includes may not. So the discussions should be allowed to continue for all questions and answers, views and reviews. Then we may be able to evaluate, more correctly assess what is probably true and right.

We should listen and be honest in our opinion. We should not get carried away by passions and love for our leaders but strive to be objective, to help in analysis and conclusions to bring out the truth. That should be the goal, whichever may be the media we choose. 

We should be conscious that what reaches people should be an indisputable truth, preferably on all issues. That is the best way to fight Modi, BJP, RSS lies and propaganda. First, we should have clarity of mind and try to develop in-depth knowledge through constructive discussions.

There is scope for creating exclusive platforms to freely exchange views, information within selected groups who share a common agenda and outlook. The potential for such exploratory, innovative work is unlimited. But we are running on the beaten track amidst social media chaos.

Propagating truth

We live in abnormal times when destructive forces spread lies and rely on propaganda, creating confusion and dividing society, spreading hatred. We cannot expect or wait for a Gandhiji to emerge from the ashes to lead and light the way to uphold the truth.

Whether it is Gandhi or others who lead the country, it is definitely not the job of one leader in the present complicated situations created in the devil’s workshop. Even Gandhiji was not alone in his mission. Congress leaders, workers and followers supported him.

When the issues involved are concerning individuals, it is likely to be a matter of their concern and responsibility. When it is a public issue and public welfare, the burden falls on every person to bring in the truth and clarity behind problems and issues. 

Social media is one of the best free tools available if used correctly. Gandhiji travelled by foot, bullock carts and trains to spread the truth to millions. Now we have the internet and social media to do the legwork to carry messages. But we are not Gandhis to care about the truth.

We can succeed in creating awareness among people without leaving everything for the leaders to do. But we are as disorganised as social media is. We have become part of the chaos. We assume to be playing our role but only add to the confusion, not in evolving solutions.

Should we take all the pains to go through a regimen of consciously propagating the truth and carrying it to the people? Can we expect social media activists to change? If we cannot correct ourselves, how can we expect people to change their perception, know the truth and vote?

It is not that difficult as it appears. If few take the lead and become committed, others will follow. Many of us speak apparent truth but do not take it to the next level of dispassionate analysis, logical conclusions. We stop short of target due to hesitations and limitations. 

We, the liberals, democrats exercise our right to differ but fail in our duty to uphold the truth. All of us have egos, opinions and selfish interests. Our leaders, parties, groups also have them and use their right to differ. BJP and RSS exploit our differences.

Unfortunately, we love to live with our differences. The truth is one, but our perceptions about it are different. Honest discussions are needed to understand the truth. They are not so transparent; they get buried deep; rarely surface. We live on hopes without working for it.

Now it has become absolutely necessary to drum and propagate truth to all corners of the country on all issues. We cannot wait for the percolation of truth to the normal process, as it will take a very long time. Congress and Rahul can and should do it. But we should do what we can.

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