Wide Gaps in Views that affect decision-making

Our system itself is so diluted and dilated that everyone is liberal with their views, interpretations, and opinions. It is not easy to check them in a democracy, and when unchecked, they deteriorate with the passage of time. 

Further, we have the freedom of speech and expression to articulate our opinions and ideas without fear. Our thought process widely varies. We still have wide disparities at the educational, social, and cultural levels. So multiple voices of opinion and views exist.

The behavioural and attitudinal problems of individuals add another dimension by damaging communication and thus the decision-making process. Further, they set time targets to force or quicken the process. This dilutes the quality of decisions.

These are a few samples. If cases are analysed, it will open Pandora’s box, as we have many eccentric and quixotic characters who are involved in making inconceivable and questionable decisions. These are not surprising; the process mostly lacks the seriousness it deserves.

In public issues, the decisions impact a large number of people. We can ignore it if it is a small group or family. Every opportunity to improve the system should be explored. We are unaware of the scope for improvement and the vast potential for excellence that remains untapped.

We know the Chinese slogan, “Let a hundred flowers blossom.” It is okay for our democracy if it is 100, if not millions. But we cannot interpret and act in 100 ways and create a free-for-all. We are to analyse and evolve a unified approach from different views to make decisions.

How do dispute-solving mechanisms operate to solve disputes or differences? They collect all the information or evidence on that issue, analyse them for their value, substance, and accuracy, and then come to a conclusion on what is right. The same applies to decision-making.

If the decision-makers cut short the process without analysing all the information and narrowing the differences, then the solutions will end up with errors, failures, disenchantment, disharmony, disputes, and litigation, in addition to the wastage of resources.

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