The opposition – Scope and hopes – Part Ⅱ

Unity – explore ways

What is the existing reality on the issue of opposition unity? There is no unity among the parties and within themselves. There is diffidence, mutual distrust. If they continue with their present inaction, inadequate action there is only an outside chance to defeat Modi/ Shah/ BJP.

If the opposition parties unite mentally, consolidate their efforts totally, there is very little chance of Modi/ Shah/ BJP/ RSS escaping outright defeat. But all parties in the opposition are living in a utopia. It is believed that they will never unite as a viable alternative.

If one looks at their past and present attitude dispassionately, the scope for their unity is not promising. But we cannot rule out unity as such. A close understanding, deep bonding between top leaderships with mass base can happen anytime. If it does, others may follow suit.

Reiterating, reminding about past mistakes or irritants in relationships are not going to help. Misunderstandings come up if appropriate efforts are not made. For building mutual trust and confidence in relationships seamless, continuous, persevering efforts are needed.

Rahul can take the lead to talk to the top leadership of other parties frankly, maybe with the assistance of close confidants and analysts. The cost-benefit of the present realities and true consolidation and unity have not been studied, understood in its true dimensions. 

When all factors are brought to the table and analysed by independent or impartial people with expertise, the realities will be known about the truth and lies of our assumptions and presumptions. It may present win-win alternatives for parties concerned. It may meet their needs.

What is needed is patience to go through the process without jumping to half baked conclusions. The opposition parties and its top leaders should come out of their shell and try to explore new ways with facts and truth than relying on failing perceptions and impaired visions.

Unity – exploration – weaknesses. 

Power lords

This exploration is only indicative, not exhaustive. It can never be in social media. When there is very little effort by the opposition to unite, it is more like Everest expedition without gadgets, assistance to overcome unsurmountable egos, unrealistic ambitions.

We are to indulge in this and make people aware of the realities. A dispassionate look is needed. Much of their perceptions about the strengths of opposition leaders is overblown balloons. We have seen many of them burst in the past; many will do in the near future if they fail to act.

We are to examine the characteristics of opposition leaders. Some leaders have direct links with masses based on territory, caste, region, religion, language. Many do not have it but they may hold some limited influence locally. The leaders rely on these smaller ‘power lords’.

They create power lords to communicate with people, carry their parties message and image, and then execute their actions through the support system including their cadres. But over time these power lords become power brokers, breakers, bargainers, posing problems for parties.

These power lords will not be able to cause much damage in long term to leaders, parties with mass bases. But during the short term especially before elections, they can create doubts in the perception of the people and may cause damages if the parties do not have back up plans.

Why political parties have come to this pass and encounter blackmails by their own creations. The great advocates of democracy do not have much of a democratic system to develop a 2nd line and 3rd line leaders. That includes Congress where power lords could thwart such efforts.

Most of the opposition leaders have become lazy zamindars dictating errands, chores to carry out to their local leaders. These ‘power lords’ return their gift, dictate their terms at inopportune moments. Even mass leaders should not get delinked from people and ground reality.

It is essential for parties and leaders to keep in touch with people, cadres and supporters. The democratic process is a tool to keep them alive and active. If lower rung leaders are non-existent, ‘power lords’ will fill the vacuum and dictate terms to the party and its leaders.

With the present communication levels there is no difficulty in sending messages; connecting with the masses. Why mass leaders do not ensure the democratic process in their party when they have the trust of the people? It only benefits ‘power lords and brokers’ damaging the party.

These power lords can only thrive in opposition parties. BJP/ RSS have a different system where ‘power and lords’ are centralised. Others are assigned specific jobs, errands, contracts, business to execute. Sometimes they raise their voices but will be silenced, executed.

Gifting territories to BJP

When power lords of the opposition parties start their blackmailing or search for greener pastures elsewhere, BJP always comes to the rescue. It is not only a ‘corporate-level’ buyer but also a Sanjeevini giving all types of protection. It has no checks, constraints, limitations.

Modi/ Shah/ BJP is always in search of such people and manages to draw these power lords to their fold with their Chakravyuh of plans A to Z. They can always find some weaknesses, weak relationships. If not they will invent some and harass them. Hardly anyone escapes.

The basic principle of Modi & Co is to divide, buy or destroy. It works both ways for them. It unsettles the preparedness, plans of the opposition. It helps BJP to overcome organisational weaknesses and win perception battle. The opposition parties are gifting Modi territories.

Bjp did not have links in many states. They started stealing power lords of opposition. People are not temperamentally with BJP. Sometimes arrogance and boldness create awe and people are mesmerised. They ignore the opponent if they adopt the same tactics at a lower scale.

The opposition should not play into BJP’s hands. All opposition parties including Congress should understand their weaknesses and strengths. They are to do a deeper, dispassionate analysis and search for solutions. It is not that Modi/ BJP is invincible. No one is. 

Modi/ Shah/ BJP win elections and run their regime with a concoction of religious, divisive sentiments, mixed with patriotic opium, ruthlessness energised by unlimited support of money, media, middlemen, manoeuvres misusing power. They are getting exposed now more by farmers.

What the opposition parties with so many stalwarts could not do, farmers did. It is more due to lack of unity, intent, focus. They have not applied their mind; not utilised the scope available. People are on your side now. Present a viable opposition if not an enviable one.

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