The Problems Are Complex

The governance of a country like India is a complicated issue. The failures are numerous as a result of the compounded errors of the individuals and institutions that comprise the governmental structure. However, the nature and dimensions of some failures do not make sense.

Is it possible to monitor, control, and improve the entire operational area of governance? How can there be a holistic approach when the structure is highly segmented and varied? The utility of searching for answers to many such questions will become clear when one reads through this analysis.

The failures may be in the millions, and the loose ends may be as many or less. The root causes of all these problems may be common. If they are addressed, it may cure many ills. Ad hoc measures to suppress the symptoms will not solve the systemic failures.

It is far too important an issue when governance failures have such a large impact on people’s lives. The governmental structure and its wings were created under our constitution to serve the people. Everyone has the basic right to raise questions and search for answers.

The questions and answers will be unlimited and unending. It is a continuous process. A proper analysis will evolve the right answers and more clarity. It is absolutely necessary as the problems have become complex due to dilutions that were allowed to set in with no checks.


This is part of an analytical paper presented for views and comments.

Title: The Problems And Potential Of India: An Analysis And A Path 

Chapter: The Preface

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