The burden and the massive task ahead

Total politics

How to dump this fascist, inhuman Modi regime with least concern for the people, fully unfolding the exhibition of its powerplay to the agony and dismay of all. This burden is presently not only on the shoulders of Congress, opposition parties, people but on the entire nation.

The way in which they silenced almost all opposition voices; suppressed all agitations; handled farmers’ issue engaging them in ‘phoney’ talks with a devious plan to tire them out; to explore chinks; to demolish it without addressing their concerns shows their brutal mindset.

If farmers express grievances it is their right. It is the duty of the government to establish an impartial mechanism, process to clear doubts. They are not obliging anyone. They are to discharge their duty in accordance with Constitution and law as per the oath they have taken.

But holding talks for over 2 months with calibrated time-space then asking farmers to withdraw agitation for talks while also saying ‘I am just a phone call away’ what kind of fun is this? What a crude mind Modi&Co have to cut off water, electricity; construct barriers, fence.

Modi/ Shah can speak lies without blinking eyes. They will not move an inch without gain, whether political or monetary. Whatever they do is sinister. They will not answer any query raised but go on parroting their side. This is the course they adopt with a predetermined mind.

They are trained by RSS with specialised skills to misuse power, experimenting with them in Gujarat and now implementing it all over the country. They have absolutely no ethics, no scruples, no conscience, no principles. Nothing is banned, nothing is barred for them to use and misuse.

It is total politics of squeezing everyone and everything in their favour. The farmers’ issue exposed fascist in Modi/ Shah even to the doubters. The opposition parties by their virtual inactions, self-doubts left the field wide open for Modi a synonym for worst disaster.

The task and hope ahead

For BJP with tactics, arsenals they have, fighting opposition; eliminating them; diluting their strength is not a difficult problem. How audaciously BJP captured power in many states, how they strengthened from nowhere in WB, Kerala, TN are simple, straightforward examples.

Modi&Co is getting all their devious plans executed through pliable bureaucrats, judiciary, media with ample assistance from top corporate friends. They have money, machinery, men to manipulate with their basic business acumen; ruthless, unscrupulous mindset to silence anyone.

Everything is calculated and measured to the minutest details.  They have plans A to Z ready, can come out with one anytime hitting the bullseye against anyone and anything. They are also cool to indulge in photoshoot after making all arrangements to unfold their devious plans.

This is a gigantic task ahead of the people and the opposition parties. But unfortunately, people cannot be expected to get organised so easily against such a massive force while the opposition parties are neither organised within nor coordinating with other parties effectively.

It is not that Modi/ Shah/ BJP does not have chinks in their armour. They make it up with aggressiveness they display. But their arrogance, overconfidence, failures fail to conceal their weaknesses. Evidence of displeasure in BJP ranks about the entry of deadwood is reported.

The opposition parties still can expose Modi/ BJP/ RSS, if they get organised to devise plans and execute with some discipline. The MVA experiment in Maharashtra is a typical example. The credit goes to Shiv Sena. But for their strong mind and force, it would not have succeeded.

The opposition parties should unite and coordinate launching agitations for common causes. Even farmers agitation need that kind of support from them. Farmers may not ask; may not share stage but there are other ways in addition to organising isolated panchayats in their support.

The opposition is not prohibited to mobilise opinion in states where farmers need to expand and gain support. They have various tools including social media to propagate messages. But this is not one front, one issue limited war but a multifront, multifold battle. 

Nothing is certain in this world. Bjp is meticulous, highly calculative about limiting its losses; damaging prospects of opposition; gunning them down. But the opposition is presenting itself as a sitting duck as if it is a photo shoot. History of Hitler is the last hope.

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