The style of Modi’s functioning and its dynamics

How Modi settled into his style of functioning? Criminals prey on the opportunity to steal. Modi, the politician, is no different. His style was dictated by his political necessities and convenience. His brutal, savage approach, inborn or developed, helped him for over two decades.

He is a street-smart politician preying for opportunities. But it does not easily come by to knock on your doors with so much competition. Modi, like a turbojet, sucked in, squeezed all before him to create a vacuum and moved forward. Morals were never his concern.

Modi is aware of his weaknesses. More so, he knows the vulnerabilities of others and how to exploit them. He has limitations in entering into a debate. So avoids questions and answers even in parliament. He only responds with monologues, Mann Ki Baat, lies, punchlines and truisms.

It is naturally not a surprise if he does not address open press conferences. Why should he expose himself? Is it stipulated anywhere in the constitution? Even if so, there are courts to take care of it. As a PM, he can also take care of the courts and independent institutions.

For Modi, this internecine warfare within a democracy is ‘normal and healthy’ as it serves as a check for others crossing ‘his’ limits. For him, democracy is only a tool to achieve ends. Whose ends is a matter of perception. As long as people have elected him, he will decide it.

People have ‘trust’ in Modi, his style of functioning and entrusted with the job to lead them and the nation. He does not like people challenging him and testing his limits of patience. Whether they are from the opposition, Andolan Jeevis, farmers, other people or even from BJP.

Modi knows he is adamant, arrogant and obstinate about his decisions. His limitation is a preset agenda of his own and that of RSS on whose strength he survives. Why should he bother about people or others? If he starts yielding, their fort will start farting and vaporising.

He thrives and survives on pumped up images and perception built by the manoeuvred media. He provides them with his jokes, lies and presents himself with costumes like a buffoon. If you deny this to Mr India, the naked emperor will collapse; his dresses will fall to the ground.

So Modi, with all his powers, employs and deploys his trusted troops, agents, executives, mercenaries to accomplish or fix specific tasks with all force. He does not bother too much about democracy, freedom of speech or rights. What is more important is the execution of the job.

Modi may be exercising his power arbitrarily, disregarding existing bodies of law. It becomes Authoritarianism and stands in fundamental contrast to democracy. So what if it is so. He drew or extracted power from the people democratically. He can do what suits his style and agenda.

This is a satirical version of getting into Modi’s shoes, trying to read his sub-conscience. Even while visualising, it hurts, infects and kills a person like me having a normal mindset. This kind of virus can only thrive in a body like that of Modi.

Ps: I enjoyed writing this piece. Maybe the character sketch of Modi came out while tracing and connecting the dots of truth behind him.

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