Liberating democracy, an epic battle behind deceptions, disruptions

Making sense of confusing signals:

Making sense of confusing signals is becoming a difficult exercise with the widespread use of communication tools and the internet. Some think they are smart to read between the lines. But they should also be aware fake news and falsehood are also planted between the lines.

Falsehood diffuses significantly farther, faster, deeper, and more broadly than the truth. Identifying and eliminating what is irrelevant and fake is not so easy even for the so-called educated, literate or semi-literate individuals with worldly knowledge and experience.

If this is for educated, one should not come to the conclusion that poor and uneducated cannot make sense of what is right and wrong. They may be simple and unsophisticated but they apply their intuitions and heart. Their subconscious discerns the right and wrong characters.

Poor people know the difference between those who hurt their livelihood & stomach. They can identify those who soothe and comfort them. Sometimes if they are carried away by circumstances or fooled by promises, Jumlas, it is understandable. They also have a right to ambitions.

It is unfair to blame the poor even if they are misled, when intelligentsia & crusaders of democracy, anti-corruption movements, brought in a fascist along with all the miseries and destruction to the country. Now everyone is in a state of despair & dismay awaiting solutions.

Thugs are always thugs. Basic characteristics do not change with years whether it is 2002 or 2022. They are predictable. Think of the worst. They can use every opportunity to their advantage. If people are afraid to think of the worst they are never going to get over it.

Perception battle:

The basic characteristics of individuals do not normally change. That is true for all characters whether negative or positive. Rahul is also the same person, genial, warm, hearty, frank as he was earlier. But a negative perception was floating about him. It is changing now.

How that wrong perception about Rahul was built? It is typical work of BJP/ RSS and the media bias even before 2014. Everyone had an agenda whether political or personal to spread hatred against the so-called dynasty while destroying democracy and paving the way for a fascist.

The attempt was to weaken and destroy Congress and Rahul. They sowed seeds of doubts about Rahul and his leadership. All political leaders including many Congress leaders worked against Rahul, openly or silently. Congress structure was already weak. Rahul had to take his time.

It was not easy for Rahul to fight it all alone the perceptions built against him and the whole range of forces working against him and Congress both in 2014 and 2019. The half-hearted, lukewarm support from Congress leaders also worked against the interest of Congress, Rahul.

The truth is, many of the Congress supporters, cadres had doubts about his ability to lead Congress front with other parties and win against the unscrupulous manoeuvres of Modi/ Shah/ BJP/ RSS. Even now some, despite his good intentions doubt his ability against the fascists.

Why it was so hard to break this perception about Rahul. One reason is Rahul did not reveal himself previously as he is doing more frequently now. Some of his close associates were knowing him more. They have not defended or tried to counter, rectify that image effectively.

It is very rare that one will have the guts to fight it almost alone. Rahul had that moral strength and courage to pursue what is truth and right. Being part of the Gandhi family has definitely given him a deeper insight, understanding of the intricacies of Indian politics.

Beyond all these preexisting characteristics, Rahul in his search for the right solutions with his no-nonsense approach found the absolute need for adopting the Gandhian ideals, philosophies and the value of introspections and the negotiation between various domestic forces.

Rahul has an indomitable spirit, energy, courage to pursue his path undeterred by all the negatives, perceptions, threats posed by the fascist forces. Gandhiji is still influencing him. He is a staunch Gandhian more than his entire family including Indira and maybe Nehru.

Liberating democracy, an epic battle:

Behind the mixed signals which proliferate, corrupt perceptions and truth, an epic battle has started for liberating democracy and its incarceration by the fascists, vested interests. Rahul is leading it. But it is we the people who are to fight to protect our values, freedom.

Before independence, they were only aspiring for freedom and democracy. That always exist within all sections of Indian society. But the post-independence generation has enjoyed its benefits. It is not easy to suppress, subjugate them. They will raise en masse to protect it.

India is still not a mature democracy. It got diverted from that process by the opportunistic politicians and privileged people to serve their ends and supremacy. The present tryst with fascism and crony capitalism will set right the path towards true democracy and freedom.

The people have chosen the path of democracy. It is a process of active negotiation and discussion between the people, their representatives and all groups, sections of society on a continuing basis on all issues to evolve broadly acceptable, ethical, justifiable decisions.

This process over the last few decades has turned faulty. Presently it is almost nonexistent. The party that got elected as people’s representatives converted its head into a monarch who subjugated every institution including the media misusing, manipulating their power to rule. 

It has almost reached a point where democracy is reduced into a ‘vote and forget’ mechanism. The present rulers are tricky, ruthless to make it a nominal or notional democracy using all diverse, deceitful ways to self perpetuate their rule and domination over people.

They have the audacity to tell people what to wear, what to eat, whom to marry, what to practice. When there is no freedom to express and discuss, when there is no one to listen to views objectively, where is the question of democracy existing? It is only kicking the people.

Modi and Shah do not engage in any meaningful 2-way interaction with people. The discussion will bring out the truth and expose them. So they use all tools to silence people. These ‘elected monarchs’ think they have unquestionable and unlimited powers & the ability to make decisions.

They rely on a privileged set of experts, bureaucrats that too till it suits their predetermined agenda, notions. They know that knowledge, wisdom, expertise exist outside their limited circle. But that will entail discussion, debate, interaction hurting their supremacy.

The concern about the threat to their freedom and democratic rights is spreading among people. Their voice against it is gathering strength, getting momentum to roll down and demolish the ‘monarch’ and his minions. Rahul will lead; will not rest till the mission is accomplished.

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