Unleashing Truth offensive – Ver. 2.O

Being liberal by itself becomes a problem. In a way, it has become an autoimmune disease. They tend to feel that criticism is a democratic right; the truth will percolate and ultimately win. That may be true in a true democracy and not so when it is in transition to fascism.

Whether the truth has percolated to people during the last 7 years? Some tend to believe that the truth has started tricking down and it will be a deluge soon to wash out the fascist regime. The others may have lost all hopes but for some positive signals from farmers’ issue.

Whether the truth about the 2002 Gujarat riots, its planners, perpetrators have reached people? It has not even after 19 years. Instead, they became heroes in 2014 carried on shoulders by so-called liberals and Gandhians to defeat Congress, portrayed as not so liberal but corrupt.

What is needed is truth offensive. The passive, feeble presentation of truth neither reaches the people nor is an effective weapon to fight against fascists. We would not have come to this pass if NDA 1, UPA 1 & 2 regimes had pursued truth aggressively against emerging fascists.

Farmers agitation is defensive but more Gandhian in pursuing truth with patience, perseverance. It is not so easy. In a way, it is a truth offensive. They are fighting by sitting within a fortress of truth. Their defiance is the most effective, offensive weapon against fascists.

It is not that all farmers agitation has succeeded. Not that all other agitations could withstand the immoral and unethical fascist onslaught. Presently the hardened core of the farmers’ issue is the truth and enormity of the threat. They have a tough exterior to weather it.

If some feel that the fascists are finally facing a challenge and it is their Waterloo they are sadly mistaken. They are not going to get purged out so easily. Have they changed their tricks and tactics? Not at all. One can see evidence in WB, Puducherry, Gujarat and everywhere.

The opposition parties, groups including Congress should not dream about fighting their battle against fascists on the shoulders of farmers and winning it. They should not forget that it is because of their collective failure, farmers are forced to fight with their own hands.

Congress should lead the fight with truths and expose the Modi regime with a focus on facts and carry on the fight till the end using every avenue open and every person they can draw support. When the Modi regime is always on the offensive with lies, why not Congress with the truth?

Ps: Unleashing Truth offensive – Version 1.O may be viewed with the following  website link: https://wp.me/p8Fpl7-cY

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