Media and its abnormalities – Part Ⅱ


A professional media is not only to raise questions about executive misconduct but also to search for the truth behind all issues that are matters of public concern as part of the media’s social responsibility. This does not happen if the media develops prejudices and mental blocks.

We, Indians, love the concept of peaceful coexistence. But still, we are a diverse society not yet fully liberated from the deep divisions based on caste, religion, language, region and also innumerable subgroups of every kind existing within it.

There may be exceptions to this rule but they are only exceptions, not rule as yet. The media persons are also chips of the same block. They cannot be different from such a society. They do exhibit consciously or subconsciously some prejudices they carry on within their system.

The impartiality, objectivity required for the public service like the media should widen their vision to check and correct themselves. But it does not always happen. Further, their ‘professional business ethics’ do not allow extravagance such as ‘admissions of mistakes’.

Even if we consciously try to eliminate or suppress those prejudices, they return or slip back into our mind and actions. The rightwing ultra-conservative religious elements are trying to exploit this weakness to impose one nation, one notion, one thought on this diverse society.

The highly educated professionals, intelligentsia also fall prey to this propaganda and weaknesses. The education and experience should have broadened their views to look at all angles and possibilities. Instead, they become obstinate, obdurate and do not change views so easily.

Whether it is free media, independent journalists or intellectuals they advocate perfections to others but do not mind or mend their own imperfections and prejudices. They do raise doubts, questions until they are proved right but do not search for what is true and right.


No one including the media have complete control over the information. They do search for it on their own and do raise questions to people concerned publicly or privately. Many a time they jump to conclusions with incomplete information and present them as complete truth.

For the evolution of solutions or arriving at the truth on any issue, there has to be a right kind of analysis, debate, discussions which includes being receptive to information, ideas with an open bent of mind to admit errors of judgement and modify one’s thinking and opinion.

The media does not provide a complete platform to come to a definitive conclusion on any issue. They are mostly opinions with many loose ends. It has to be so with the voluntary nature of contributions. The discussions if any, are open-ended and inconclusive.

When this is the truth how the media can come to firm conclusions and accuse, judge, brand and indulge in irreparable character assassinations simply by misusing the power and the reach they have to the people without any effective control exercised internally or externally.

The damage caused by one bottomless issue of suicide or murder is immense and incalculable. They are spreading hatred, creating divisions in society, raising their emotions. They are making so much noise and fixing everyone on earth hurting so many irreparably.

If media persons exhibit such likes, dislikes, prejudices deliberately or otherwise they should not be in the media but go to a correctional facility. Unfortunately, other channels, their associations, and controlling body are mere spectators making no visible effort.

Why the so-called free and neutral media are unable to neutralise, counter, analyse, investigate and check such pollutions by those who are part of the media. If they can do exposes on others and avoid the same against their own media, then they are abetting a crime.

They have toothless bodies for self-control. There is a need to formulate ethics and common code for both visual and print media who are the main influencers and communicators of news and views to major sections of people. But the media does have genuine apprehensions about it.

It is not that impossible to evolve such ethics by creating whatever body that will effectively thwart governmental interference and bring discipline in the media. But everyone in the media is so allergic and edgy about discipline, code, ethics out of fear of the unknown. 

When the rulers are uncomfortable with freedom of people, media, opposition, individuals or anyone opposing their views; the media is reluctant to protect their freedom and that of the people; the opposition is waiting for D-day for changes to happen, we remain mute spectators.

 The overreach of paid media and their masters will not end anytime soon. They will continue their onslaught resorting to sedition and criminal charges against agitators, students, media with full force and suppress the opposition and people with all powers, they can exercise.

The status quo is not a solution. The silence and inaction is in a way endorsement and abetment by all those who have the ability to act, express and fight against the evil designs of the rulers and their supporters. Here the free media’s role is unlimited and underutilised.

How to break this status quo and inaction by everyone to stop this overreach of the paid media. First, we are to remove our mental blocks and assumptions looking at the ‘enormity’ of the task or giving an excuse that such shortcomings are part of any democracy.

When we are searching for a solution to any issue we look at the removal of impediments and hurdles in between. It is the process that is important. We have enough talented people, especially independent journalists, experts, retired judges who can be trusted to do the job.

The free media is still underestimating the degeneration of human values and destruction of peace and amity among people for which media’s failure and inaction has a huge contribution. Perhaps the undeclared emergency is not enough. Maybe declaration will push them to act.

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