Congress and Rahul – Invisible truths

We do find many repeated questions raised in the media and other platforms about the Congress, its leadership, and the roles played by Rahul and Gandhi family. Many such questions are based on distortions, fallacies, outright lies which are floated around on misconceived notions and mischievous agenda.

There is a need for bringing out the truth behind such questions not only to counter the lies and propaganda but also to remove doubts in the minds of people including Congress leaders, cadres, and supporters. Those who deliberately do it are not going to stop their misdeeds and dirty tricks. But, efforts to counter them by spreading the truth will make them less relevant.


The selection and nomination culture in Congress is nothing new. 

Mahatma Gandhi introduced the concept of forced decisions by the so-called ‘high-commands’  when Nehru was his preferred choice to lead Congress on the eve of Independence. It was accepted unanimously.

Now this issue is raised again with a hidden agenda. We may lay out some basic facts from history and the symptoms that are thrown up now.

  • At this juncture when fascist forces are employing all their might to wean away and weaken the Congress by adopting every possible, unimaginable and unethical move, internal election is not a top priority. Such steps should be carefully planned and laid out. There is a dire need to show more unity within Congress.
  • The dissenting leaders are not comfortable with Rahul’s succession to lead Congress. This is nothing new if we look at history.
  • The syndicate of senior congress leaders tried to control Indira Gandhi and she emerged out of their clutches powerfully with mass support. This type of dissidence again erupted after a few years by ‘young and old turks’.
  • When Rajiv started his innings with a slew of measures, modernizing the country, he was dethroned by his own close friends and colleagues.
  • P V Narasimha Rao also suffered similar reception by power-mongering leaders but he managed to stay afloat. 
  • At the sight of Sonia taking the stewardship of INC, a bunch of senior leaders due to diminishing prospects for ruling/ controlling the Congress, moved out with their group of followers.
  • Although Rahul’s wait for ascendancy is long, the senior leaders have never liked the idea of Rahul’s elevation and were continuously creating obstructions, pulling him down overtly and surreptitiously. 
  • Even though Rahul quit as president he remains powerful and continues to be at the forefront of the party’s decision-making. He also engages attention with his offensive against the government amidst emerging chorus for his return as President. This was the proverbial last straw for ‘Group of 23’ to act.

Dissidence damaged Congress

  • None of the senior leaders who left Congress could play a significant role at the national level. They continued to be regional satraps, group leaders, and power brokers. 
  • ‘Everyone rises in the hierarchy until they reach a level of respective incompetence.’ (Peter Principle)
  • Congress leaders despite getting experience in governing and using their talents, have failed to become mass leaders taking root to their ground. They have neither helped people to raise nor imparted their experience and talents to them.
  • Their shortsighted approach not only damaged the Congress but also foiled the emergence of true leaders outside the Gandhi family with mass following and countrywide acceptance, 
  • Instead, they made Congress an open tent without gates and security for anyone from anywhere to enter at will, grow with it, and leave it choosing their own time, if and when they see greener pastures elsewhere. 
  • They form groups during their stay, herd them together while leaving to set up their own shop with stolen property. They then continue with power bargaining even with their parent Congress for higher share in alliance.  So their job is the same whether they are inside the Congress or outside it. This process led to Congress losing its base.
  • Gandhi’s family is too good, soft, considerate, hearty with so much love for their country, people, and fellow Congressmen to initiate hard measures. It takes a long time. It is also a fact that Indira and Rajiv did not have the luxury of settling down to set right these organizational failures. Sonia has her own difficulties in dealing with them.

Rahul’s characteristics

  • The image of Rahul portrayed as naive by the media, others including some congressmen are deceptive; perhaps deliberate. He is a strong person who clearly focussed on his path and target without any trace of ambiguity/ doubt. 
  • Rahul has taken quite a long time to settle down in his political innings. That being the case, whether he would be able to live up to the challenge and effect organizational changes that are needed? He has taken his time out of his choice. One has to dig deeper into the circumstances and his characteristics to understand his position. 
  • There was no urgency for him to jump into the arena as they were in the safe hands of Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi from 2005. Emotions, family tragedies also play their part. Rahul has to honour and support Sonia in every way possible, giving her and seniors due respect. Even then he broke free on a few occasions to speak his mind. His resignation in 2019 is one such instance.
  • The reasons cited by him was a call of conscience for his senior party leaders and GenNext to mend their ways to initiate the changes within the party. He also declared that none of his family members will lead and refused to suggest an alternative. That kind of political distancing by the family from Congress had never happened, though it was reverted partly due to pressure.
  • He has shown his firmness and clarity in thinking. It may be difficult to break his fortitude & resolve. There are many difficulties in his path including Modi & Co who are presently stronger not because of their character and ethics but for the lack of it. Congressmen and also other opposition parties should ensure that Rahul takes charge of Congress again  to untie the Gordian knot. 
  • Congress and its leaders should know that they need Rahul and Gandhi’s family more. The reverse assumption is not true. It now rests on party leaders to lead, light, and ignite but should not implode or explode. They should use these energies to rejuvenate, resurrect Congress.


  • People more often than not underestimate others and overestimate themselves and their abilities. They are hardly able to overcome their own built-up biases, hatred, likes, and dislikes and also to discount, dissect others’ influences and prejudices to come to a balanced conclusion. 
  • What Rahul has gone through over the last decade or so, by way of criticisms, insults, mockery, branding etc is unlimited and unending. In spite of all this deluge of adverse circumstances he stands on his legs, looks straight at your face and speaks truth; sets his path in measured steps reveals volumes about the strength of his character. 
  • If senior Congressmen closely associated with Gandhi family do not see it, they are either highly prejudiced or blindly power crazy to acknowledge the truth. The only ‘mass following’ they have are few journalists and intellectuals who failed to understand Rahul despite their exposure and experience perhaps due to their superficial approach.
  • It is likely that Rahul is waiting for obstacles that were created in his path to be cleared. 
  • Let us hope that the ‘Purification process’ sets in Congress and its leaders. What is needed is a deeper analysis in the background to adopt the correct process, setting the direction with periodic course correction to reach the target.
  • There is a need for all congressmen, leaders, cadres, supporters to rally behind Rahul. They should set aside personal animosities and ambition to embark on this mission. It is a question of winning the trust of the people. How it happens, how long it takes, how quickly their opinion and the political scenario changes are very unpredictable.

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